Reading the IKEA Catalogue: A Tribute to ‘Martha Rosler Reads Vogue’ (1982)

Exhibition, Public Programme & Open Studio – Renewal and Metamorphosis

Woman, Native, Other: Making Friends with Trinh T. Minh-ha

Sample #1 // Spa > Eng – Fernando Castro, ‘Et in Disneyworld Ego’

Sample #2 // Eng > Spa – Stuart Hall y Tony Jefferson (eds.), Rituales de Resistencia

Sample #3 // Ita > Eng – M. Tosarolli, ‘My Land’, Migrant Journal no. 4

Reimagining The Sarajevo ’84 Olympic Games: The Skenderija Memory Tour

In Waves – An Intensive Residency in Feminist Curating

Interior Biopolitics: Domesticity as Mass Media in the Making of Swedish Social Democracy

Souvenirs from Skopje: A Territorial Fiction of Europe?

Queer Surrealisms: Toyen

Does Ideology have a Form? Queering Fascist Masculinities at Palermo’s Casa del Mutilato

Inhabiting the Vitrine

Childhood Domesticities: An Exercise in Self-Archaeology

Decolonizing North

Feminist Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

Eleutheria: A Queer Film & Arts Programme

Facing the Anthropocene