Cosmologías Vulnerables

ClientMuseo Reina Sofía, Hablarenarte
DateNovember 2022-April 2024
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Cosmologías Vulnerables (Vulnerable Cosmologies) is a curatorial research and creation project that seeks to connect realities traditionally separated by social care and health systems, and removed from the field of art: the terrains of physical disability, neurodiversity and intellectual disability.

Which material and cultural structures organise such distribution? Which alternative imaginaries and societies can we build in the convergence of these universes? Which frictions and potentialities do we find in the intersection between neuro- and bodily divergence, and how can we reclaim a radical inclusivity, inside and outside art?

The project is curated by Carlota Mir and Carlos Almela (hablarenarte) and developed alongside the Museo Reina Sofía’s Education Area, artist Costa Badía and Project Art Works, 2021 Turner Prize nominees and Lumbung members at documenta fifteen.

The project is articulated through cross residencies between Madrid (Planta Alta) and Newcastle (Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art), mappings of the social systems of care in Spain and the UK, creation laboratories with artists, performative sessions at Planta Baja, public programming and collective publications.

Cosmologías Vulnerables is supported by a grant for creation from Madrid City Council, the Reina Sofía Museum, the British Council and Acción Cultural Española.